

出典: フリー教科書『ウィキブックス(Wikibooks)』
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I've been around for quite a while now, made some edits, had some rights however, for now, I'm not as active as I was. I've been a "Wiki Wanderer" for sometime now. I try and do what I can to help where I feel welcome. Other than here I'm probably most active on Commons.

I have a major failing - I'm human, I make mistakes, when I do point them out to me please, thanks. Just noticed my edit count seems to have crept over a figure - not usually something that interests me but it has gone over 100k cross wiki so there will be some mistakes there :) (throw in around 100k admin actions cross wiki by now I guess & I suppose I have been more "active" than some) .

The warning you should have read if I blocked you

I will block anyone who attacks another user or who places offensive material such as racism. If I have blocked you then the heading is for you.

Rights & activity

It has been my long held view that rights are granted by a community to those who appear to have an active need for them. I have never understood why people when they are no longer active take such trouble to retain rights - they are tools for using not trophies for looking at. As such I wish to restate my personal views on activity & rights. If I do not use the rights I have been granted by any community for a period of four months they should be removed from me & stewards should comply with any such request based on this statement. For clarity this does not concern editing but the actual use of rights - editors do not need additional rights.

Some thoughts

  • "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Einstein
  • "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." ~ Tolstoy
  • "Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue. Live with it."
  • "Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - Juvenal - translated as But who shall guard the guardians? - relevant to Meta and steward rights.
  • ""Edward, Edward," he said with a patronising smile, "there are no unanswered questions of any relevance. Every question that we need to ask has been answered fully. If you can't find the correct answer then you are obviously asking the wrong question." - Jasper Fforde