import System main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ args !! 0 ++ " " ++ args !! 1)
import System main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs print $ (read $ args !! 0) + (read $ args !! 1)
を使わずにprint ((read (args !! 0)) + (read $ args !! 1))
とも書けます。 -
import System main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "お名前は?" name <- getLine putStrLn $ "あなたの名前は" ++ name ++ "ですね!"
parseNumber :: Parser LispVal parseNumber = do x <- many1 digit return $ Number $ read x
parseNumber = many1 digit >>= return . Number . read
escapedChars :: Parser Char escapedChars = do char '\\' -- バックスラッシュ x <- oneOf "\\\"" -- バックスラッシュまたは二重引用符 return x -- エスケープされた文字を返す
escapedChars = char '\\' >> oneOf "\\\""
も変更します。parseString :: Parser LispVal parseString = do char '"' x <- many $ escapedChars <|> noneOf "\"\\" char '"' return $ String x
escapedChars :: Parser Char escapedChars = do x <- char '\\' >> oneOf "\\\"nrt" return $ case x of 'n' -> '\n' 'r' -> '\r' 't' -> '\t' _ -> x
First, it is necessary to change the definition of symbol.
symbol :: Parser Char symbol = oneOf "!$%&|*+-/:<=>?@^_~"
This means that it is no longer possible to begin an atom with the hash character. This necessitates a different way of parsing #t and #f.
parseBool :: Parser LispVal parseBool = do string "#" x <- oneOf "tf" return $ case x of 't' -> Bool True 'f' -> Bool False
This in turn requires us to make changes to parseExpr.
parseExpr :: Parser LispVal parseExpr = parseAtom <|> parseString <|> parseNumber <|> parseBool
parseNumber need to be changed to the following.
parseNumber :: Parser LispVal parseNumber = do num <- parseDigital1 <|> parseDigital2 <|> parseHex <|> parseOct <|> parseBin return $ num
And the following new functions need to be added.
parseDigital1 :: Parser LispVal parseDigital1 = do x <- many1 digit (return . Number . read) x parseDigital2 :: Parser LispVal parseDigital2 = do try $ string "#d" x <- many1 digit (return . Number . read) x parseHex :: Parser LispVal parseHex = do try $ string "#x" x <- many1 hexDigit return $ Number (hex2dig x) parseOct :: Parser LispVal parseOct = do try $ string "#o" x <- many1 octDigit return $ Number (oct2dig x) parseBin :: Parser LispVal parseBin = do try $ string "#b" x <- many1 (oneOf "10") return $ Number (bin2dig x) oct2dig x = fst $ readOct x !! 0 hex2dig x = fst $ readHex x !! 0 bin2dig = bin2dig' 0 bin2dig' digint "" = digint bin2dig' digint (x:xs) = let old = 2 * digint + (if x == '0' then 0 else 1) in bin2dig' old xs
data LispVal = Atom String | List [LispVal] | DottedList [LispVal] LispVal | Number Integer | String String | Bool Bool | Character Char parseCharacter :: Parser LispVal parseCharacter = do try $ string "#\\" value <- try (string "newline" <|> string "space") <|> do { x <- anyChar; notFollowedBy alphaNum ; return [x] } return $ Character $ case value of "space" -> ' ' "newline" -> '\n' otherwise -> (value !! 0)
The combination of anyChar and notFollowedBy ensure that only a single character is read.
Note that this does not actually conform to the standard; as it stands, "space" and "newline" must be entirely lowercase; the standard states that they should be case insensitive.
parseExpr :: Parser LispVal parseExpr = parseAtom <|> parseString <|> try parseNumber -- we need the 'try' because <|> try parseBool -- these can all start with the hash char <|> try parseCharacter
A possible solution for floating point numbers:
parseFloat :: Parser LispVal parseFloat = do x <- many1 digit char '.' y <- many1 digit return $ Float (fst.head$readFloat (x++"."++y))
Furthermore, add
try parseFloat
before parseNumber in parseExpr and the line
| Float Double
to the LispVal type.
Ratio, using Haskell's Ratio type:
parseRatio :: Parser LispVal parseRatio = do x <- many1 digit char '/' y <- many1 digit return $ Ratio ((read x) % (read y))
Additionally, import the Ratio module, add
try parseRatio
before parseNumber in parseExpr and the line
| Ratio Rational
to the LispVal type.
Real is already implemented in the Float type from Exercise 6, unless I'm mistaken.
Complex using Haskell's Complex type:
toDouble :: LispVal -> Double toDouble(Float f) = f toDouble(Number n) = fromIntegral n parseComplex :: Parser LispVal parseComplex = do x <- (try parseFloat <|> parseDecimal) char '+' y <- (try parseFloat <|> parseDecimal) char 'i' return $ Complex (toDouble x :+ toDouble y)
As before, import the Complex module, add
try parseComplex
before parseNumber and parseFloat in parseExpr and the line
| Complex (Complex Double)
to the LispVal type.
Section 4 - Recursive Parsers: Adding lists, dotted lists, and quoted datums
[編集]Exercise 1
[編集]These two are analogous to parseQuoted:
parseQuasiQuoted :: Parser LispVal
parseQuasiQuoted = do
char '`'
x <- parseExpr
return $ List [Atom "quasiquote", x]
parseUnQuote :: Parser LispVal
parseUnQuote = do
char ','
x <- parseExpr
return $ List [Atom "unquote", x]
Also add
<|> parseQuasiQuoted
<|> parseUnQuote
to parseExpr.
Exercise 2
[編集]I chose to go with Arrays as described in Data.Array and used list-array conversions for array construction.
parseVector :: Parser LispVal
parseVector = do arrayValues <- sepBy parseExpr spaces
return $ Vector (listArray (0,(length arrayValues - 1)) arrayValues)
In order to use this,
import ''Data.Array''
and add the following to the LispVal type:
| Vector (Array Int LispVal)
Add the following lines to parseExpr; before the parser for Lists and DottedLists.
<|> try (do string "#("
x <- parseVector
char ')'
return x)
Exercise 3
[編集]This took a fair amount of fiddling with sepBy
, endBy
and friends. I started by getting the (. degenerate)
dotted list to work and then went from there. This code tolerates trailing and leading spaces.
parseAnyList :: Parser LispVal
parseAnyList = do
P.char '('
head <- P.sepEndBy parseExpr spaces
tail <- (P.char '.' >> spaces >> parseExpr) <|> return (Nil ())
P.char ')'
return $ case tail of
(Nil ()) -> List head
otherwise -> DottedList head tail
Alternative solution without a Nil constructor. spaces
is the spaces from Parsec and spaces1
is the spaces from this tutorial.
parseList :: Parser LispVal
parseList = do char '(' >> spaces
head <- parseExpr `sepEndBy` spaces1
do char '.' >> spaces1
tail <- parseExpr
spaces >> char ')'
return $ DottedList head tail
<|> (spaces >> char ')' >> (return $ List head))
Chapter 3
[編集]Exercise 1
[編集]Here is one way of adding a few of them.
primitives :: [(String , [LispVal] -> LispVal)]
primitives = [("+" , numericBinop (+)) ,
("-" , numericBinop (-)) ,
("*" , numericBinop (*)) ,
("/" , numericBinop div) ,
("mod" , numericBinop mod) ,
("quotient" , numericBinop quot) ,
("remainder" , numericBinop rem) ,
("symbol?" , unaryOp symbolp) ,
("string?" , unaryOp stringp) ,
("number?" , unaryOp numberp) ,
("bool?", unaryOp boolp) ,
("list?" , unaryOp listp)]
unaryOp :: (LispVal -> LispVal) -> [LispVal] -> LispVal
unaryOp f [v] = f v
symbolp, numberp, stringp, boolp, listp :: LispVal -> LispVal
symbolp (Atom _) = Bool True
symbolp _ = Bool False
numberp (Number _) = Bool True
numberp _ = Bool False
stringp (String _) = Bool True
stringp _ = Bool False
boolp (Bool _) = Bool True
boolp _ = Bool False
listp (List _) = Bool True
listp (DottedList _ _) = Bool True
listp _ = Bool False
Exercise 2
[編集] unpackNum :: LispVal -> Integer
unpackNum (Number n) = n
unpackNum _ = 0
Exercise 3
[編集]Add symbol->string and string->symbol to the list of primitives, then:
symbol2string, string2symbol :: LispVal -> LispVal
symbol2string (Atom s) = String s
symbol2string _ = String ""
string2symbol (String s) = Atom s
string2symbol _ = Atom ""
This doesn't deal well with bad input, which is covered later.
Chapter 5
[編集]Exercise 1
[編集] eval env (List [Atom "if", pred, conseq, alt]) = do
result <- eval env pred
case result of
Bool False -> eval env alt
Bool True -> eval env conseq
_ -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "bool" pred
Exercise 2
[編集]Define a helper function that takes the equal/eqv function as an argument:
eqvList :: ([LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
eqvList eqvFunc [(List arg1), (List arg2)] = return $ Bool $ (length arg1 == length arg2) &&
(all eqvPair $ zip arg1 arg2)
where eqvPair (x1, x2) = case eqvFunc [x1, x2] of
Left err -> False
Right (Bool val) -> val
Now adjust the eqv clause:
eqv [l1@(List arg1), l2@(List arg2)] = eqvList eqv [l1, l2]
And add clauses for List and DottedList to the equal function:
equal :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
equal [l1@(List arg1), l2@(List arg2)] = eqvList equal [l1, l2]
equal [(DottedList xs x), (DottedList ys y)] = equal [List $ xs ++ [x], List $ ys ++ [y]]
equal [arg1, arg2] = do
primitiveEquals <- liftM or $ mapM (unpackEquals arg1 arg2)
[AnyUnpacker unpackNum, AnyUnpacker unpackStr, AnyUnpacker unpackBool]
eqvEquals <- eqv [arg1, arg2]
return $ Bool $ (primitiveEquals || let (Bool x) = eqvEquals in x)
equal badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList
Exercise 3
[編集]Room for improvement here!
eval (List ((Atom "cond"):cs)) = do
b <- (liftM (take 1 . dropWhile f) $ mapM condClause cs) >>= cdr
car [b] >>= eval
where condClause (List [p,b]) = do q <- eval p
case q of
Bool _ -> return $ List [q,b]
_ -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "bool" q
condClause v = throwError $ TypeMismatch "(pred body)" v
f = \(List [p,b]) -> case p of
(Bool False) -> True
_ -> False
Another approach:
eval env (List (Atom "cond" : expr : rest)) = do
eval' expr rest
where eval' (List [cond, value]) (x : xs) = do
result <- eval env cond
case result of
Bool False -> eval' x xs
Bool True -> eval env value
otherwise -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "boolean" cond
eval' (List [Atom "else", value]) [] = do
eval env value
eval' (List [cond, value]) [] = do
result <- eval env cond
case result of
Bool True -> eval env value
otherwise -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "boolean" cond