

出典: フリー教科書『ウィキブックス(Wikibooks)』

謝罪 - Apology


日本語 - Japanese



今後、同様の事態が発生した際は(同様の事態が発生しないことを祈るが)焦らず、冷静に対処していきます。この度は、誠に申し訳ありませんでした。--雪津風明石トーク投稿記録全記録統一管理2020年5月3日 (日) 16:13 (UTC)

英語 - English

To all administrator. This time, I discovered a certain troll and hurriedly contacted all four administrator.

As an excuse, this troll begins with Wikibooks:Discourse Room, Wikibooks:Community Portal, and Wikibooks:Administrator Message Board, which is a place to inform the administrator, and viewers come in first. Templates for main pages Templates:Even main page announcements were done.We have decided that this would cause harm to the entire Wikibooks, and we have contacted them.

In the future, when a similar situation occurs hopefully it will not happen, I will calmly deal with it. I'm very sorry this time. --雪津風明石トーク投稿記録全記録統一管理2020年5月3日 (日) 16:13 (UTC)

椎楽様引退について - About retirement of Shiraku


日本語 - Japanese




願わくば、いつか、椎楽様がWikibooksに戻ってきた時に、引退理由の二つが対処されていることと、ウィキブックスがより良いものになっていることを祈りつつ、国内某所にて。--雪津風明石トーク投稿記録全記録統一管理2020年5月5日 (火) 03:56 (UTC)

英語 - English

I wrote it there, but I will write it here as well.

It's really recent that I entered Wikibooks, but I can't help respecting the results of those activities by looking at past logs.

Wikibooks is not an active project compared to Wikipedia, but it is not a depopulated project like Wikinews and Wikiversity. In my opinion, Wikibooks is the project with the strongest connections between users. In this way, it is only Wikibooks that makes one user saddened to retire.

At some point in Japan, hoping that one day, when Shitara returns to Wikibooks, two reasons for retirement are being dealt with and that Wikibooks will be better, one day. --雪津風明石トーク投稿記録全記録統一管理2020年5月5日 (火) 03:56 (UTC)