< 利用者:Ef3
- token
- keyword
- identifier
- constant
- string-literal
- punctuator
- preprocessing-token
- header-name
- identifier
- pp-number
- character-constant
- string-literal
- punctuator
- { each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above }
- keyword
- auto
- break
- case
- char
- const
- continue
- default
- do
- double
- else
- enum
- extern
- float
- for
- goto
- if
- inlineN843
- int
- long
- register
- restrictN843
- return
- short
- signed
- sizeof
- static
- struct
- switch
- typedef
- union
- unsigned
- void
- volatile
- while
- _BoolN843
- _ComplexN843
- _ImaginaryN843
- identifier
- identifier-nondigit
- identifier identifier-nondigit
- identifier digit
- identifier-nondigit
- nondigit
- universal-character-name
- { other implementation-defined characters }
- nondigit
- _
- a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m
- n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
- A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
- N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- digit
- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
- universal-character-name
- \u hex-quadN843
- \U hex-quad hex-quadN843
- hex-quad
- hexadecimal-digit hexadecimal-digit hexadecimal-digit hexadecimal-digit
- constant
- integer-constant
- floating-constant
- enumeration-constant
- character-constant
- integer-constant
- decimal-constant integer-suffixopt
- octal-constant integer-suffixopt
- hexadecimal-constant integer-suffixopt
- decimal-constant
- nonzero-digit
- decimal-constant digit
- octal-constant
- 0
- octal-constant octal-digit
- hexadecimal-constant
- hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-digit
- hexadecimal-constant hexadecimal-digit
- hexadecimal-prefix
- 0x | 0X
- nonzero-digit
- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
- octal-digit
- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
- hexadecimal-digit
- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
- a | b | c | d | e | f
- A | B | C | D | E | F
- integer-suffix
- unsigned-suffix long-suffixopt
- unsigned-suffix long-long-suffix
- long-suffix unsigned-suffixopt
- long-long-suffix unsigned-suffixopt
- unsigned-suffix
- u | U
- long-suffix
- l | L
- long-long-suffix
- ll | LL
- floating-constant
- decimal-floating-constant
- hexadecimal-floating-constant
- decimal-floating-constant
- fractional-constant exponent-partopt floating-suffixopt
- digit-sequence exponent-part floating-suffixopt
- hexadecimal-floating-constant
- hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-fractional-constant binary-exponent-part floating-suffixopt
- hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-digit-sequence binary-exponent-part floating-suffixopt
- fractional-constant
- digit-sequenceopt . digit-sequence
- digit-sequence .
- exponent-part
- e signopt digit-sequence
- E signopt digit-sequence
- sign
- + | -
- digit-sequence
- digit
- digit-sequence digit
- hexadecimal-fractional-constant
- hexadecimal-digit-sequenceopt . hexadecimal-digit-sequence
- hexadecimal-digit-sequence .
- binary-exponent-part
- p signopt digit-sequence
- P signopt digit-sequence
- hexadecimal-digit-sequence
- hexadecimal-digit
- hexadecimal-digit-sequence hexadecimal-digit
- floating-suffix
- f | l | F | L
- enumeration-constant
- identifier
- character-constant
- ' c-char-sequence '
- L' c-char-sequence '
- c-char-sequence
- c-char
- c-char-sequence c-char
- c-char
- { any member of the source character set except the single-quote ', backslash \, or new-line character }
- escape-sequence
- escape-sequence
- simple-escape-sequence
- octal-escape-sequence
- hexadecimal-escape-sequence
- universal-character-name
- simple-escape-sequence
- \' | \" | \? | \\ | \a | \b | \f | \n | \r | \t | \v
- octal-escape-sequence
- \ octal-digit
- \ octal-digit octal-digit
- \ octal-digit octal-digit octal-digit
- hexadecimal-escape-sequence
- \x hexadecimal-digit
- hexadecimal-escape-sequence hexadecimal-digit
- string-literal
- " s-char-sequenceopt "
- L" s-char-sequenceopt "
- s-char-sequence
- s-char
- s-char-sequence s-char
- s-char
- { any member of the source character set except the double-quote ", backslash \, or new-line character }
- escape-sequence
- punctuator
- [
- ]
- (
- )
- {
- }
- .
- ->
- ++
- --
- &
- *
- +
- -
- ~
- !
- /
- %
- <<
- >>
- <
- >
- <=
- >=
- ==
- !=
- ^
- |
- &&
- ||
- ?
- ;
- ...
- =
- *=
- /=
- %=
- +=
- -=
- <<=
- >>=
- &=
- ^=
- |=
- ,
- #
- ##
- <
- :>
- <%
- %>
- %
- %:%
- header-name
- < h-char-sequence >
- " q-char-sequence "
- h-char-sequence
- h-char
- h-char-sequence h-char
- h-char
- { any member of the source character set except the new-line character and > }
- q-char-sequence
- q-char
- q-char-sequence q-char
- q-char
- { any member of the source character set except the new-line character and " }
- pp-number
- digit
- . digit
- pp-number digit
- pp-number identifier-nondigit
- pp-number e sign
- pp-number E sign
- pp-number p sign
- pp-number P sign
- pp-number .
- primary-expression
- identifier
- constant
- string-literal
- ( expression )
- postfix-expression
- primary-expression
- postfix-expression [ expression ]
- postfix-expression ( argument-expression-listopt )
- postfix-expression . identifier
- postfix-expression -> identifier
- postfix-expression ++
- postfix-expression --
- ( type-name ) { initializer-list }
- ( type-name ) { initializer-list , }
- argument-expression-list
- assignment-expression
- argument-expression-list , assignment-expression
- unary-expression
- postfix-expression
- ++ unary-expression
- -- unary-expression
- unary-operator cast-expression
- sizeof unary-expression
- sizeof ( type-name )
- unary-operator
- & | * | + | - | ~ | !
- cast-expression
- unary-expression
- ( type-name ) cast-expression
- multiplicative-expression
- cast-expression
- multiplicative-expression * cast-expression
- multiplicative-expression / cast-expression
- multiplicative-expression % cast-expression
- additive-expression
- multiplicative-expression
- additive-expression + multiplicative-expression
- additive-expression - multiplicative-expression
- shift-expression
- additive-expression
- shift-expression << additive-expression
- shift-expression >> additive-expression
- relational-expression
- shift-expression
- relational-expression < shift-expression
- relational-expression > shift-expression
- relational-expression <= shift-expression
- relational-expression >= shift-expression
- equality-expression
- relational-expression
- equality-expression == relational-expression
- equality-expression != relational-expression
- AND-expression
- equality-expression
- AND-expression & equality-expression
- exclusive-OR-expression
- AND-expression
- exclusive-OR-expression ^ AND-expression
- inclusive-OR-expression
- exclusive-OR-expression
- inclusive-OR-expression '|' exclusive-OR-expression
- logical-AND-expression
- inclusive-OR-expression
- logical-AND-expression && inclusive-OR-expression
- logical-OR-expression
- logical-AND-expression
- logical-OR-expression || logical-AND-expression
- conditional-expression
- logical-OR-expression
- logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression
- assignment-expression
- conditional-expression
- unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression
- assignment-operator
- = | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
- expression
- assignment-expression
- expression , assignment-expression
- constant-expression
- conditional-expression
- declaration
- declaration-specifiers init-declarator-listopt ;
- declaration-specifiers
- storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
- type-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
- type-qualifier declaration-specifiersopt
- function-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
- init-declarator-list
- init-declarator
- init-declarator-list , init-declarator
- init-declarator
- declarator
- declarator = initializer
- storage-class-specifier
- typedef
- extern
- static
- auto
- register
- type-specifier
- void
- char
- short
- int
- long
- float
- double
- signed
- unsigned
- _BoolN1124
- _ComplexN1124
- struct-or-union-specifier *
- enum-specifier
- typedef-name
- struct-or-union-specifier
struct-or-union identifieropt { struct-declaration-list } struct-or-union identifier
- struct-or-union
- struct
- union
- struct-declaration-list
- struct-declaration
- struct-declaration-list struct-declaration
- struct-declaration
- specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list ;
- specifier-qualifier-list
- type-specifier specifier-qualifier-listopt
- type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-listopt
- struct-declarator-list
- struct-declarator
- struct-declarator-list , struct-declarator
- struct-declarator
- declarator
- declaratoropt : constant-expression
- enum-specifier
- enum identifieropt { enumerator-list }
- enum identifieropt { enumerator-list , }
- enum identifier
- enumerator-list
- enumerator
- enumerator-list , enumerator
- enumerator
- enumeration-constant
- enumeration-constant = constant-expression
- type-qualifier
- const
- restrictN843
- volatile
- function-specifier
- inlineN843
- declarator
- direct-declarator
- identifier
- ( declarator )
- direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-listopt assignment-expressionopt ]
- direct-declarator [ static type-qualifier-listopt assignment-expression ]
- direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression ]
- direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-listopt * ]
- direct-declarator ( parameter-type-list )
- direct-declarator ( identifier-listopt )
- pointer
- * type-qualifier-listopt
- * type-qualifier-listopt pointer
- type-qualifier-list
- type-qualifier
- type-qualifier-list type-qualifier
- parameter-type-list
- parameter-list
- parameter-list , ...
- parameter-list
- parameter-declaration
- parameter-list , parameter-declaration
- parameter-declaration
- declaration-specifiers declarator
- declaration-specifiers abstract-declaratoropt
- identifier-list
- identifier
- identifier-list , identifier
- type-name
- specifier-qualifier-list abstract-declaratoropt
- abstract-declarator
- pointer
- pointeropt direct-abstract-declarator
- direct-abstract-declarator
- ( abstract-declarator )
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ assignment-expressionopt ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ * ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt ( parameter-type-listopt )
- ( abstract-declarator )
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ type-qualifier-listopt assignment-expressionopt ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ static type-qualifier-listopt assignment-expression ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ * ]
- direct-abstract-declaratoropt ( parameter-type-listopt )
- typedef-name
- identifier
- initializer
- assignment-expression
- { initializer-list }
- { initializer-list , }
- initializer-list
- designationopt initializer
- initializer-list , designationopt initializer
- designation
- designator-list =
- designator-list
- designator
- designator-list designator
- designator
- [ constant-expression ]
- . identifier
- statement
- labeled-statement
- compound-statement
- expression-statement
- selection-statement
- iteration-statement
- jump-statement
- labeled-statement
- identifier : statement
- case constant-expression : statement
- default : statement
- compound-statement
- { block-item-listopt }
- block-item-list
- block-item
- block-item-list block-item
- block-item
- declaration
- statement
- expression-statement
- expressionopt ;
- selection-statement
- if ( expression ) statement
- if ( expression ) statement else statement
- switch ( expression ) statement
- iteration-statement
- while ( expression ) statement
- do statement while ( expression ) ;
- for ( expressionopt ; expressionopt ; expressionopt ) statement
- for ( declaration expressionopt ; expressionopt ) statement
- jump-statement
- goto identifier ;
- continue ;
- break ;
- return expressionopt ;
- translation-unit
- external-declaration
- translation-unit external-declaration
- external-declaration
- function-definition
- declaration
- function-definition
declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement
- declaration-list
- declaration
- declaration-list declaration
- preprocessing-file
- groupopt
- group
- group-part
- group group-part
- group-part
- if-section
- control-line
- text-line
- # { non-directive }
- if-section
- if-group elif-groupsopt else-groupopt endif-line
- if-group
- # if constant-expression new-line groupopt
- # ifdef identifier new-line groupopt
- # ifndef identifier new-line groupopt
- elif-groups
- elif-group
- elif-groups elif-group
- elif-group
- # elif constant-expression new-line groupopt
- else-group
- # else new-line groupopt
- endif-line
- # endif new-line
- control-line
- # include pp-tokens new-line
- # define identifier replacement-list new-line
- # define identifier lparen identifier-listopt ) replacement-list new-line
- # define identifier lparen ... ) replacement-list new-line
- # define identifier lparen identifier-list , ... ) replacement-list new-line
- # undef identifier new-line
- # line pp-tokens new-line
- # error pp-tokensopt new-line
- # pragma pp-tokensopt new-line
- # new-line
- text-line
- pp-tokensopt new-line
- non-directive
- pp-tokens new-line
- lparen
- { a ( character not immediately preceded by white-space }
- replacement-list
- pp-tokensopt
- pp-tokens
- preprocessing-token
- pp-tokens preprocessing-token
- new-line
- { the new-line character }
[編集]<token> ::= <keyword>
| <identifier>
| <constant>
| <string-literal>
| <punctuator>
<preprocessing-token> ::= <header-name>
| <identifier>
| <pp-number>
| <character-constant>
| <string-literal>
| <punctuator>
| { each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above }
<keyword> ::= auto
| break
| case
| char
| const
| continue
| default
| do
| double
| else
| enum
| extern
| float
| for
| goto
| if
| inline
| int
| long
| register
| restrict
| return
| short
| signed
| sizeof
| static
| struct
| switch
| typedef
| union
| unsigned
| void
| volatile
| while
| _Bool
| _Complex
| _Imaginary
<identifier> ::= <identifier-nondigit>
| <identifier> <identifier-nondigit>
| <identifier> <digit>
<identifier-nondigit> ::= <nondigit>
| <universal-character-name>
| { other implementation-defined characters }
<nondigit> ::= _
| a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m
| n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<universal-character-name> ::= \u <hex-quad>
| \U <hex-quad> <hex-quad>
<hex-quad> ::= <hexadecimal-digit> <hexadecimal-digit> <hexadecimal-digit> <hexadecimal-digit>
<constant> ::= <integer-constant>
| <floating-constant>
| <enumeration-constant>
| <character-constant>
<integer-constant> ::= <decimal-constant> <integer-suffix>opt
| <octal-constant> <integer-suffix>opt
| <hexadecimal-constant> <integer-suffix>opt
<decimal-constant> ::= <nonzero-digit>
| <decimal-constant> <digit>
<octal-constant> ::= 0
| <octal-constant> <octal-digit>
<hexadecimal-constant> ::= <hexadecimal-prefix> <hexadecimal-digit>
| <hexadecimal-constant> <hexadecimal-digit>
<hexadecimal-prefix> ::= 0x | 0X
<nonzero-digit> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<octal-digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
<hexadecimal-digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
| a | b | c | d | e | f
| A | B | C | D | E | F
<integer-suffix> ::= <unsigned-suffix> <long-suffix>opt
| <unsigned-suffix> <long-long-suffix>
| <long-suffix> <unsigned-suffix>opt
| <long-long-suffix> <unsigned-suffix>opt
<unsigned-suffix> ::= u | U
<long-suffix> ::= l | L
<long-long-suffix> ::= ll | LL
<floating-constant> ::= <decimal-floating-constant>
| <hexadecimal-floating-constant>
<decimal-floating-constant> ::= <fractional-constant> <exponent-part>opt <floating-suffix>opt
| <digit-sequence> <exponent-part> <floating-suffix>opt
<hexadecimal-floating-constant> ::= <hexadecimal-prefix> <hexadecimal-fractional-constant> <binary-exponent-part> <floating-suffix>opt
| <hexadecimal-prefix> <hexadecimal-digit-sequence> <binary-exponent-part> <floating-suffix>opt
<fractional-constant> ::= <digit-sequence>opt . <digit-sequence>
| <digit-sequence> .
<exponent-part> ::= e <sign>opt <digit-sequence>
| E <sign>opt <digit-sequence>
<sign> ::= + | -
<digit-sequence> ::= <digit>
| <digit-sequence> <digit>
<hexadecimal-fractional-constant> ::= <hexadecimal-digit-sequence>opt . <hexadecimal-digit-sequence>
| <hexadecimal-digit-sequence> .
<binary-exponent-part> ::= p <sign>opt <digit-sequence>
| P <sign>opt <digit-sequence>
<hexadecimal-digit-sequence> ::= <hexadecimal-digit>
| <hexadecimal-digit-sequence> <hexadecimal-digit>
<floating-suffix> ::= f | l | F | L
<enumeration-constant> ::= <identifier>
<character-constant> ::= ' <c-char-sequence> '
| L' <c-char-sequence> '
<c-char-sequence> ::= <c-char>
| <c-char-sequence> <c-char>
<c-char> ::= { any member of the source character set except the single-quote ', backslash \, or new-line character }
| <escape-sequence>
<escape-sequence> ::=
<simple-escape-sequence> ::= \' | \" | \? | \\ | \a | \b | \f | \n | \r | \t | \v
<octal-escape-sequence> ::= \ <octal-digit>
| \ <octal-digit> <octal-digit>
| \ <octal-digit> <octal-digit> <octal-digit>
<hexadecimal-escape-sequence> ::= \x <hexadecimal-digit>
| <hexadecimal-escape-sequence> <hexadecimal-digit>
<string-literal> ::= " s-char-sequenceopt "
| L" s-char-sequenceopt "
<s-char-sequence> ::= <s-char>
| s-char-sequence <s-char>
<s-char> ::= { any member of the source character set except the double-quote ", backslash \, or new-line character }
| <escape-sequence>
<punctuator> ::= [ | ] | ( | ) | { | } | . | ->
| ++ | -- | & | * | + | - | ~ | !
| / | % | << | >> | < | > | <= | >= | == | != | ^ | `|` | && | ||
| ? | : | ; | ...
| = | *= | /= | %= | += | -= | <<= | >>= | &= | ^= | |=
| , | # | ##
| <: | :> | <% | %> | %: | %:%> | ::=
<header-name> ::= < <h-char-sequence> >
| " <q-char-sequence> "
<h-char-sequence> ::= <h-char>
| <h-char-sequence> <h-char>
<h-char> ::= { any member of the source character set except the new-line character and > }
<q-char-sequence> ::= <q-char>
| <q-char-sequence> <q-char>
<q-char> ::= { any member of the source character set except the new-line character and " }
<pp-number> ::= <digit>
| . <digit>
| <pp-number> <digit>
| <pp-number> <identifier-nondigit>
| <pp-number> e <sign>
| <pp-number> E <sign>
| <pp-number> p <sign>
| <pp-number> P <sign>
| <pp-number> .
<primary-expression> ::= <identifier>
| <constant>
| <string-literal>
| ( <expression> )
<postfix-expression> ::= <primary-expression>
| <postfix-expression> [ <expression> ]
| <postfix-expression> ( <argument-expression-list>opt )
| <postfix-expression> . <identifier>
| <postfix-expression> -> <identifier>
| <postfix-expression> ++
| <postfix-expression> --
| ( <type-name> ) { <initializer-list> }
| ( <type-name> ) { <initializer-list> , }
<argument-expression-list> ::= <assignment-expression>
| <argument-expression-list> , <assignment-expression>
<unary-expression> ::= <postfix-expression>
| ++ <unary-expression>
| -- <unary-expression>
| <unary-operator> <cast-expression>
| sizeof <unary-expression>
| sizeof ( <type-name> )
<unary-operator> ::= & | * | + | - | ~ | !
<cast-expression> ::= <unary-expression>
| ( <type-name> ) <cast-expression>
<multiplicative-expression> ::= <cast-expression>
| <multiplicative-expression> * <cast-expression>
| <multiplicative-expression> / <cast-expression>
| <multiplicative-expression> % <cast-expression>
<additive-expression> ::= <multiplicative-expression>
| <additive-expression> + <multiplicative-expression>
| <additive-expression> - <multiplicative-expression>
<shift-expression> ::= <additive-expression>
| <shift-expression> << <additive-expression>
| <shift-expression> >> <additive-expression>
<relational-expression> ::= <shift-expression>
| <relational-expression> < <shift-expression>
| <relational-expression> > <shift-expression>
| <relational-expression> <= <shift-expression>
| <relational-expression> >= <shift-expression>
<equality-expression> ::= <relational-expression>
| <equality-expression> == <relational-expression>
| <equality-expression> != <relational-expression>
<AND-expression> ::= <equality-expression>
| <AND-expression> & <equality-expression>
<exclusive-OR-expression> ::= <AND-expression>
| <exclusive-OR-expression> ^ <AND-expression>
<inclusive-OR-expression> ::= <exclusive-OR-expression>
| <inclusive-OR-expression> '|' <exclusive-OR-expression>
<logical-AND-expression> ::= <inclusive-OR-expression>
| <logical-AND-expression> && <inclusive-OR-expression>
<logical-OR-expression> ::= <logical-AND-expression>
| <logical-OR-expression> || <logical-AND-expression>
<conditional-expression> ::= <logical-OR-expression>
| <logical-OR-expression> ? <expression> : <conditional-expression>
<assignment-expression> ::= <conditional-expression>
| <unary-expression> <assignment-operator> <assignment-expression>
<assignment-operator> ::= = | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
<expression> ::= <assignment-expression>
| <expression> , <assignment-expression>
<constant-expression> ::= <conditional-expression>
<declaration> ::= <declaration-specifiers> <init-declarator-list>opt ;
<declaration-specifiers> ::= <storage-class-specifier> <declaration-specifiers>opt
| <type-specifier> <declaration-specifiers>opt
| <type-qualifier> <declaration-specifiers>opt
| <function-specifier> <declaration-specifiers>opt
<init-declarator-list> ::= <init-declarator>
| <init-declarator-list> , <init-declarator>
<init-declarator> ::= <declarator>
| <declarator> = <initializer>
<storage-class-specifier> ::= typedef
| extern
| static
| auto
| register
<type-specifier> ::= void
| char
| short
| int
| long
| float
| double
| signed
| unsigned
| _Bool
| _Complex
| <struct-or-union-specifier> *
| <enum-specifier>
| <typedef-name>
<struct-or-union-specifier> ::=
<struct-or-union> <identifier>opt { <struct-declaration-list> }
<struct-or-union> <identifier>
<struct-or-union> ::= struct
| union
<struct-declaration-list> ::= <struct-declaration>
| <struct-declaration-list> <struct-declaration>
<struct-declaration> ::= <specifier-qualifier-list> <struct-declarator-list> ;
<specifier-qualifier-list> ::= <type-specifier> <specifier-qualifier-list>opt
| <type-qualifier> <specifier-qualifier-list>opt
<struct-declarator-list> ::= <struct-declarator>
| <struct-declarator-list> , <struct-declarator>
<struct-declarator> ::= <declarator>
| <declarator>opt : <constant-expression>
<enum-specifier> ::= enum <identifier>opt { <enumerator-list> }
| enum <identifier>opt { <enumerator-list> , }
| enum <identifier>
<enumerator-list> ::= <enumerator>
| <enumerator-list> , <enumerator>
<enumerator> ::= <enumeration-constant>
| <enumeration-constant> = <constant-expression>
<type-qualifier> ::= const
| restrict
| volatile
<function-specifier> ::= inline
<declarator> ::=
<pointer>opt <direct-declarator>
<direct-declarator> ::= <identifier>
| ( <declarator> )
| <direct-declarator> [ <type-qualifier-list>opt <assignment-expression>opt ]
| <direct-declarator> [ static <type-qualifier-list>opt <assignment-expression> ]
| <direct-declarator> [ <type-qualifier-list> static <assignment-expression> ]
| <direct-declarator> [ <type-qualifier-list>opt * ]
| <direct-declarator> ( <parameter-type-list> )
| <direct-declarator> ( <identifier-list>opt )
<pointer> ::= * <type-qualifier-list>opt
| * <type-qualifier-list>opt <pointer>
<type-qualifier-list> ::= <type-qualifier>
| <type-qualifier-list> <type-qualifier>
<parameter-type-list> ::= <parameter-list>
| <parameter-list> , ...
<parameter-list> ::= <parameter-declaration>
| <parameter-list> , <parameter-declaration>
<parameter-declaration> ::= <declaration-specifiers> <declarator>
| <declaration-specifiers> <abstract-declarator>opt
<identifier-list> ::= <identifier>
| <identifier-list> , <identifier>
<type-name> ::= <specifier-qualifier-list> <abstract-declarator>opt
<abstract-declarator> ::= <pointer>
| <pointer>opt <direct-abstract-declarator>
<direct-abstract-declarator> ::= ( <abstract-declarator> )
| <direct-abstract-declarator>opt [ <assignment-expression>opt ]
| <direct-abstract-declarator>opt [ * ]
| <direct-abstract-declarator>opt ( <parameter-type-list>opt )
<typedef-name> ::= <identifier>
<initializer> ::= <assignment-expression>
| { <initializer-list> }
| { <initializer-list> , }
<initializer-list> ::= <designation>opt <initializer>
| <initializer-list> , <designation>opt <initializer>
<designation> ::= <designator-list> =
<designator-list> ::= <designator>
| <designator-list> <designator>
<designator> ::= [ <constant-expression> ]
| . <identifier>
<statement> ::= <labeled-statement>
| <compound-statement>
| <expression-statement>
| <selection-statement>
| <iteration-statement>
| <jump-statement>
<labeled-statement> ::= <identifier> : <statement>
| case <constant-expression> : <statement>
| default : <statement>
<compound-statement> ::= { <block-item-list>opt }
<block-item-list> ::= <block-item>
| <block-item-list> <block-item>
<block-item> ::= <declaration>
| <statement>
<expression-statement> ::= <expression>opt ;
<selection-statement> ::= if ( <expression> ) <statement>
| if ( <expression> ) <statement> else <statement>
| switch ( <expression> ) <statement>
<iteration-statement> ::=
| while ( <expression> ) <statement>
| do <statement> while ( <expression> ) ;
| for ( <expression>opt ; <expression>opt ; <expression>opt ) <statement>
| for ( <declaration> <expression>opt ; <expression>opt ) <statement>
<jump-statement> ::= goto <identifier> ;
| continue ;
| break ;
| return <expression>opt ;
<translation-unit> ::= <external-declaration>
| <translation-unit> <external-declaration>
<external-declaration> ::= <function-definition>
| <declaration>
<function-definition> ::=
<declaration-specifiers> <declarator> <declaration-list>opt <compound-statement>
<declaration-list> ::= <declaration>
| <declaration-list> <declaration>
<preprocessing-file> ::= <group>opt
<group> ::= <group-part>
| <group> <group-part>
<group-part> ::= <if-section>
| <control-line>
| <text-line>
| # { non-directive }
<if-section> ::= <if-group> <elif-groups>opt <else-group>opt <endif-line>
<if-group> ::= # if <constant-expression> <new-line> <group>opt
| # ifdef <identifier> <new-line> <group>opt
| # ifndef <identifier> <new-line> <group>opt
<elif-groups> ::= <elif-group>
| <elif-groups> <elif-group>
<elif-group> ::= # elif <constant-expression> <new-line> <group>opt
<else-group> ::= # else <new-line> <group>opt
<endif-line> ::= # endif <new-line>
<control-line> ::= # include <pp-tokens> <new-line>
| # define <identifier> <replacement-list> <new-line>
| # define <identifier> <lparen> <identifier-list>opt ) <replacement-list> <new-line>
| # define <identifier> <lparen> ... ) <replacement-list> <new-line>
| # define <identifier> <lparen> <identifier-list> , ... ) <replacement-list> <new-line>
| # undef <identifier> <new-line>
| # line <pp-tokens> <new-line>
| # error <pp-tokens>opt <new-line>
| # pragma <pp-tokens>opt <new-line>
| # <new-line>
<text-line> ::= <pp-tokens>opt <new-line>
<non-directive> ::= <pp-tokens> <new-line>
<lparen> ::= { a ( character not immediately preceded by white-space }
<replacement-list> ::= <pp-tokens>opt
<pp-tokens> ::= <preprocessing-token>
<pp-tokens> <preprocessing-token>
<new-line> ::= { the new-line character }