
OpenSCAD User Manual/Using the 2D Subsystem

出典: フリー教科書『ウィキブックス(Wikibooks)』

Using the 2D Subsystem


OpenSCAD User Manual/2D Primitives

OpenSCAD User Manual/3D to 2D Projection

OpenSCAD User Manual/2D to 3D Extrusion


Linear Extrude


With the DXF Extrusion statements it is possible to convert 2D objects to 3D objects.

linear_extrude(file = "example009.dxf", layer = "fan_top",
  height = fanwidth, center = true, convexity = 10);

Rotate Extrude


A rotational extrusion is a Linear Extrusion with a twist, literally.

rotate_extrude(file = "example009.dxf", layer = "fan_side",
  origin = fan_side_center, convexity = 10, twist = -fanrot);

Getting Inkscape to work


Inkscape is an open source drawing program. Tutorials for transferring 2d DXF drawings from Inkscape to OpenSCAD are available here:

Description of extrude parameters


Extrude parameters for all extrusion modes

file The name of the DXF file to extrude
layer The name of the DXF layer to extrude
convexity See 2D to 3D Extrusion
origin [x,y] coordinates to use as the drawing's center, in the units specified in the DXF file
scale FIXME

Extrude parameters for linear extrusion only

height The extrusion height
center If true, extrusion is half up and half down. If false, the section is extruded up.
twist The extrusion twist in degrees
slices FIXME